I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.
John 17:23
Connect with Saint James
Here at Saint James we have so much to share with each and every parishioner and our beloved community. It is important that we all stay connected and enjoy consistent but simple communications. Here are just a few resources that will help you stay “connected” to Saint James. We are always here for you so reach out to us anytime.
New to Saint James
If you are new to Saint James, welcome! We are glad you are here. Use the link below to learn a little about the Saint James family and be sure to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you and personally show you around Saint James.
Meet Our Vestry and Staff
Meet Father Rob, Deacon Judy, our Saint James Vestry and the staff. This is a wonderful collection of people that generously share their time and talents to see that our beloved parish is running smoothly while being great stewards of the resources.
Our History
Saint James has a very rich history. Our roots run deep into this community and have since it’s inception. Learn how we got started, take a walk down memory land and see all the love we have shared for over 75 years.
Parish Calendar
Here you will find a calendar for Saint James. Call the office if you have something to add to the calendar.
Lay Ministry Schedule
Keep an eye on the lay ministry schedule and take note if you are scheduled to serve, read, intercess, or host coffee hour.
Saint James Directory
This is a nice directory of all Saint James parishioners. This page has a pass code. If you need help contact the office.
Episcopal Diocese of Alabama
We are all beloved children of God, redeemed and transformed by God’s grace through Jesus Christ. We are followers of Jesus in the Episcopal tradition. We are a diverse community of people unified and transformed by the love of God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share that transformational love with the world.
Forward Day by Day
Forward Movement inspires disciples and empowers evangelists. Forward Movement widely known for the popular daily devotional Forward Day by Day, which provides daily meditations based on scripture readings from the lectionary. You can also pick up a printed copy in the rack located in the original narthex.
The Lectionary Page
Here you will find a A Liturgical Calendar for upcoming Weeks with links to the Lessons
for Sundays and Major Holy Days
From the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL)
(as adapted for use in Episcopal worship) If you are a lay reader this is where you will find your readings.