For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Ephesians 4:12
Saint James Ministries
Saint James has so many opportunities for you to become a part of this wonderful parish family. We hope you will prayerfully consider joining in several ministries here at Saint James. The Saint James family diligently takes care of the church and are great stewards of our resources. Our vibrant community serve and take care of each and every parishioner and our church, all while giving back to those in our surrounding communities. You are invited to join Saint James ministries.
Altar Guild
In prayerful offering of love and devotion to God, the St. James Altar Guild cares for the altar, vessels and linens that are used in services each Sunday, holy day and other days of worship or special occasion in the community of the church.
Annual Bazaar
Saint James is well known for their annual bazaar. The bazaar takes place the second Saturday in November and raises money to support the Saint James Outreach ministries. The main attractions pottery from the Saint James Pottery Guild.
Bible Studies
Bible Studies are offered at St. James at various times throughout the church year and often include Bible study video series, book studies, Lenten discipline studies, etc. We value the opportunity to gather together in the presence of God to study the Word.
Cursillos de Christianidad is the full title of the movement. This phrase literally means a short course of lectures in Christian living, but it is not intended to simply refer to a course of instruction (lectures). Rather, it means a short running course (such as St. Paul's admonition to run the good race).
The St. James choir, led by organist Barbara Barnes, blesses the congregation in songs of praise and worship from the 1982 Hymnal and the Alleluia III Songbook during regular Sunday services. The St. James Gang band provides music for the church’s less formal worship and social occasions.
Daughters of the King
The Grace Chapter of the Daughters of the King has been active at St. James for more than 20 years. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service. Through reaffirmation of the promises made at Confirmation, Daughters pledge a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism.
Flower Guild
Enhancing the beauty of the Lord’s Table, the work of the St. James Flower Guild is tireless and breathtaking. The seasonal arrangements complement the altar hangings and cross, as well as the intellectual and emotive experience of worship in God’s church.
Lay Ministries
Forward Movement inspires disciples and empowers evangelists. Forward Movement widely known for the popular daily devotional Forward Day by Day, which provides daily meditations based on scripture readings from the lectionary. You can also pick up a printed copy in the rack located in the original narthex.
Sunday School
Here you will find a A Liturgical Calendar for upcoming Weeks with links to the Lessons
for Sundays and Major Holy Days
From the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL)
(as adapted for use in Episcopal worship) If you are a lay reader this is where you will find your readings.
Soup to Go
Here you will find a calendar for Saint James. Call the office if you have something to add to the calendar.
Potter's Guild
Keep an eye on the lay ministry schedule and take note if you are scheduled to serve, read, intercess, or host coffee hour.
Saint James Yoga
This is a nice directory of all Saint James parishioners. This page has a pass code. If you need help contact the office.