A Note From Father Rob

Here at the tail end of the long, hot days of summer, we finally have some relief in the form of cooler temperatures and light rains. It is a welcome relief and a sign of days to come.

I think of this time of year as a time of preparation: If cooler temperatures are here now, then cold ones can’t be too far away. Preparations for winter have been a part of life on Earth since the beginning of creation. Plants, animals and people of every kind have always had to prepare themselves for the coming of winter. Along with the preparations for food, heat and shelter, there was also a need for spiritual preparation.

Spiritual preparation is important at this time of year. The long, dark, cold days of winter, which are sure to come soon enough, can take a toll on our mental wellbeing and spiritual outlook. People tend to spend more time indoors; and therefore, find themselves more isolated. Being strong spiritually can help us weather those times.

Is there someone you know who might need spiritual strengthening and a sense of community this winter? Perhaps you know someone elderly, or isolated, who you could bring to church occasionally this fall. You might be surprised at just how much it would mean to them, and maybe to you, to forge such a relationship.

As we say goodbye to summer and prepare for the coming changes of the season, let us slow down a little, that we might see those being left behind. Let us reach out to them and bring them into the warmth and solace that is St. James.

Peace, Rob+


Sunday Bulletin 09.15.24


From The Desk of Deacon Judy