A Note From Father Rob
The Times, They Are a Changin’
There is a change in the air, can you feel it. I see signs of it all around me; brown leaves here and there; slightly cooler nightly temperatures; children and grandchildren going back to live in their own home; college football starting this weekend and church service times returning to 8:00 and 10;00 am. the following week.
That’s right, one of the passages of summer and a sure sign of the coming of Fall is church service times returning to 8:00 am and 10:00 am. You might ask, “Why do we have two service times?” and that is a good question. We have two services throughout most of the year to accommodate multiple needs in the parish.
Some people are early risers and 9:00 am is just too late. Some people are late risers and 9:00 am is just too early! The two services give some the opportunity to worship in a quiet, still place while others can worship amidst music, singing and all the fanfare. Also, 8:00 am service offer new comers the opportunity to come and try-out St. James in front of fewer people, without meeting so many people from the start.
When you think about it, there are a lot of good reasons for us to hold two services most Sundays. Not the least of which to celebrate the love of God at St. James twice as much!
God bless you all, my friends. Rob+