A Note From Father Rob

One stormy October day, 27 years ago, I found myself at Camp McDowell. This was one of the first times I had ever been to our diocesan church camp, just outside of Jasper. I went to camp with my wife for a weekend-long spiritual retreat called Cursillo.

While we were there, we met great folks from around the diocese who were kind and friendly. We heard stories and shared meals and learned of ways to live and grow into our faith in deeper and more meaningful ways.

That weekend was officially called Cursillo #105. Just a couple of weeks ago, six members of St. James – five staff and one ‘pilgrim’ – attended Cursillo #230. Thousands of Episcopalians had gone to Cursillo in our diocese before Betsy and I did, and thousands more have gone since. Many who go as pilgrims go back again as staff members. It’s just that good.

It has been a while since I have put in a pitch for Cursillo to the parish. For many of you, I know, I’m just preaching to the choir. But if you have not thought about going before, or you have been considering it but never found the time, this might be the time for you. If you think so, reach out to me, Judy Quick or Jan Jung. Any one of us and/or dozens of others at St. James would be happy to talk to you about the weekend.

Peace, my friends, and DeColores!


Sunday Bulletin 11.12.23


The Middle Way