From The Deacon’s Desk
The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle (January 25)
On one of my first pilgrimages to the Holy Land, in the 1990’s, a relatively calm period in the history of Israel and its neighbors, we climbed all the way up to the Golan Heights. There was snow on the Eye of Israel, land captured from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War. From that perch, we could see Damascus.
Each time I reflect on the Road to Damascus story, I visualize Paul making this journey. I can imagine him stunned by the light and voice of Jesus on this path.
Jesus meets us on our life’s path in the most surprising of ways. Like Paul, we may be persecutors of those who seem to threaten our predictable, orderly way of life. Saul was a faithful, orthodox Jew and Roman citizen who saw this new Jesus movement as a threat to the status quo. Jesus had new plans for Saul, so much so that Jesus changed his name to Paul.
Yes, when we become true followers of Jesus, He changes our name as well. Like our Cursillo song says:
I will change your name
You shall no longer be called
Wounded, outcast, lonely or afraid
I will change your name
Your new name shall be
Confidence, joyfulness, overcoming one
Faithfulness, friend of God
One who seeks My face
In the Book of Acts we learn that Jesus gives Paul a new life’s purpose, to open the eyes of the Gentiles “that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” (Acts 26:18)
May we live into our new purpose as followers of Jesus, to shine the light of love and forgiveness to all.
Epiphany Blessings,
Judy Q+