A Note From Father Rob

I’m really not much of a hiker. It’s not that I can’t hike or won’t; it’s just not something I think of doing very often. But when I do think of it and get up, go outside and hike some of the trails around Lake Martin, I am always rewarded with views or experiences of nature that feed my soul.

Actually, that’s kind of the same way I think about the season of Lent, too. Critical self-analysis is not something that comes naturally to me. It isn’t that I can’t do it or won’t; it just isn’t something I think of doing very often. I get caught up in my day-to-day life. I put my blinders on, put my head down and just keep pushing myself forward.

But like a good hike in the woods, when I take time to experience the season of Lent, I am never disappointed. My life is put back in its proper order. I slow down, I ask serious questions of myself, and I take a hard look at my motivations, my values and my personal goals. In doing so, I am always rewarded with deeper insights into my personal relationships, my happiness, my relationship with God and my own peace of spirit.

Please join me, over these next 40 days, in a Lenten journey of heart, mind and spirit. Take time to evaluate those things that define who you are and what you stand for. Feed your soul with the peace of God.



Sunday Bulletin 02.25.24


Lenten Meditations