A Note From Father Rob

As you read this on Friday afternoon, I will be at our diocesan convention in Montgomery. Also representing St. James will be Kathy Graham, Jill Hiers, Rick Gassenheimer, Judy Quick and my wife Betsy. I have attended more than 20 of these conventions, and as I reflect on them, I remember some were better than others. But in the end, I realize I have been informed and encouraged by each of them.

There is something special about gathering all together in one place, each and every parish in the diocese represented, to share our stories, learn about each other’s ministries, collaborate on new ideas and celebrate our life in Christ together, as the people of The Episcopal Diocese of Alabama. We are not one parish, we are 88 parishes around our diocese, thousands of parishes around the country and hundreds-of-thousands of parishes around the globe.

I ask that you keep us all in your prayers as we participate in this annual gathering of our clergy and laity. Please pray that the Holy Spirit of God will be there among us, guiding our hearts and opening our minds to the will of our Lord, that we might glorify His name.

Peace, Rob+


Ash Wednesday Bulletin


World Mission Sunday