A Note From Father Rob
These days in mid-January seem more ordinary than the rush of the last six weeks, which included Advent, Christmas and the New Year. To be ordinary often is defined as being mundane, average or as expected, but the Church applies a more interesting definition to the word.
On our Church calendar, we call this particular season, Ordinary Time. Ordinary Times are the times of the year that are not part of other designated seasons, such as the Christmas season, the Easter season or the seasons of preparation that precede them. After Advent and Christmas on the Church calendar, we have an Ordinary Time, which extends until the beginning of Lent. After the season of Easter, we have another Ordinary Time until we return to Advent. These two seasons are also known as Epiphanytide and Trinitytide, as they begin on the Day of the Epiphany and Trinity Sunday, respectively.
While the seasons of Christmas and Easter are times of reflection on the central mysteries of the incarnate Christ, His birth, crucifixion, death and resurrection, Ordinary Time is a time to reflect on the daily life and ministries of Jesus. Ordinary Time is a time for growth and maturation, a time in which the mystery of Christ is invited to penetrate our hearts ever more deeply.
In the next few weeks, take this Ordinary Time to contemplate your blessings, your ministries and your life lived as a follower of Jesus.
Peace my friends, Rob+