The Little Things

Today’s Gospel for the remembrance of the 17th Century controversial Archbishop of Canterbury William Laud (January 10) is the story of the loaves and fishes.

Each time I read and contemplate this story, my conclusion is with God there is always enough. We all have gifts to share, however small, to create a world of abundance and wholeness.

As I watched our glorious liturgy at the National Cathedral on Thursday and listened to the many tributes to Jimmy Carter during the week, my reflection on this full life of faith and service is that he used his God-given gifts for the greater good.

One of my reminders in my home is “The Best Things in Life Aren’t Things”. Over the years, I have come to realize the importance of relationships, of small moments with another. Oh I still love my creature comforts, but more and more, experiences of fun or moments of a ministry of presence touch my soul more deeply. It’s the little things, the tiny moments, not the “stuff” that really matters.

Our Prayers for the Pilgrimage has a lovely collect For the Little Things (p.128):

O Lord, you who welcomed the little gifts of bread and fish, we offer to you this day our own little gifts – our little accomplishments, our little acts of service, our little words of love, our little moments of faithfulness, our little efforts to grow and to learn – and ask that you would bless them so that they might serve your good purposes beyond anything that we could ask or imagine. We pray this in the name of the One who delights in all the little things. Amen.

Epiphany Blessings,

Judy Q+


A Note From Father Rob


Sunday Bulletin 01.12.25