Wilderness Times - Grief

I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry.

He drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog,

and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.

He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.

Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD. (Psalm 40:1-3)

The desolate pit, the miry bog, that’s what our wilderness times feel like, especially grief.

Grief is a powerful emotion when we lose something so important to us - the death of a loved one, the death of a relationship, the death of a way of life, the death of a dream.

Grief grabs us in a range of emotions. It can be an unsettling time of inertia or of endless wandering – perhaps both.

Lord knows our parish has experienced so many of these wilderness times of death and grief. We have lost so many parishioners in these past few years – beloved husbands, wives, sons, daughters, friends.

We each travel our grief journey in unique ways. Some prefer only the company of close friends and/or family for support and consolation. Others choose spiritual directors or counselors to listen and guide through the rough patches. Some respond to a group setting where others share their grief experiences.

On Wednesday, when I heard Father Rob offer the homily at the Lenten Lunch at the First United Methodist Church of Alex City on Highway 280, I was reminded of their ministry of GriefShare. Led by Pastor Mike Densmore and his wife Patsy, the weekly GriefShare topics address the common struggles and challenges of grief and loss—providing valuable tips, encouragement, and direction. Whatever your stage of grief, you are welcome to walk in and join the group. They meet at 4pm on Wednesdays at the church.

As Psalm 40 reminds us, God can draw us up from the desolate pit and put a new song in our mouths. The grief and pain are real, but with God’s help, we can find a path towards healing.

May God’s abundant love enfold us all. Judy Q+


GriefShare is a nationwide program of support groups to accompany those experiencing a loss or death. The support group is a safe and welcoming place which understands the complex and difficult emotions of grief.

The First United Methodist Church of Alexander City (on Highway 280, next to Russell Medical Center) hosts GriefShare each Wednesday at 4pm. Pastor Mike Densmore and his wife Patsy guide the group discussions.

The GriefShare website states that while everyone’s response to loss is unique, people facing loss and grief will experience many of the same challenges. The weekly GriefShare topics address these common struggles—providing valuable tips, encouragement, and direction:

· Loneliness: Find your way through the overwhelming loneliness of grief.

· Fear Guidance to manage worry and anxiety in the face of crippling fears.

· Anger Learn healthy strategies to deal with your anger.

· Regrets “If onlys” are common in grief. Discover how to move beyond them.

· Relationships Tips on responding to well-meaning, but insensitive, comforters.

· Hope Move forward by remembering and honoring your loved one.

Julie, a GriefShare participant, affirms:

“GriefShare is a safe place to talk about hard things—and heal from them.”

If you are journeying through grief, GriefShare might be beneficial to consider. Whatever your stage of grief, you are welcome to walk in and join the group.

Father Rob or Deacon Judy are available should you have any questions.

(Source: https://www.griefshare.org/ )


Sunday Bulletin 03.03.24


Sunday Bulletin 02.25.24