A Note From Father Rob

Are you new(er) to St. James? Sometimes, those of us who have been here for years, or as is the case for some, generations, forget that not everyone who comes to church here knows everything there is to know about our parish.

For one thing, did you know that not only are our service guilds open to everyone, but the current members of those groups would welcome you with open arms? We need readers to read the Old and New Testament scriptures during services, as well as intercessors to read the Prayers of the People, servers to assist at the altar and ushers to assist the people in the pews. It takes a bunch of us to put on a service.

Then, there are the ladies who prepare the worship space. They set up the altar, trim the candles, change the hymn numbers on the Hymn Board and attend to a dozen other details. They often work independently, behind the scenes and on their own schedules, whether that be day or evening.

We also would love to have more singers in our choir, musicians for our summer services (which makes you a member of The St. James Gang!) and workers on our maintenance crew. If you have ever come to a Sunday service at St. James and thought to yourself, “All the work I see these good people doing to make this service so beautiful sure looks like fun!” then this message is for you!

To get more involved, send a message to Jennifer James, our parish administrator, at stjamesparishsec@gmail.com and tell her you are a fun person and you are looking to work with other fun people. That’s all it takes. I hope you will consider getting more involved at St. James. It is a great way to get to know folks better and become an active part of our parish life.

See you at the altar, Rob+


Sunday Bulletin 04.21.24


From the Desk of Deacon Judy