Along The Pilgrim Way

Our pilgrimage continued from Ireland to Brittany, France, another region of Celtic Saints.   Our Holy Eucharist was at St Meriadec’s Church in Stival, a 15th Century Stone structure with frescoes highlighting the life of this 7th Century Celtic Saint, sent from Wales to Brittany.   He wanted to be a hermit, but his healing touch and moving messages of Christ’s love led many to follow the Way of Jesus.     

Our preacher reminded us of the difference between a tourist and a pilgrim.  Tourists seek a destination.    Pilgrims travel a journey- a sacred journey to meaningful locations and an inward journey of transformation with profound moments close to God.  May we all travel the pilgrim’s way holding this Gaelic prayer in our hearts: 

May the road rise to meet you. 

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face.

May the rains fall soft upon your fields.

Until we meet again, 

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. 

God’s peace,  Judy Q


A Note From Father Rob


Sunday Bulletin 09.27.24