The Good News
Every Friday we deliver The Good News to several hundred Saint Jamers. Sign up for our weekly news letter and stay up to date on everything happening throughout our parish.
From the Desk of Deacon Judy
Prayers for Peace in the Land of the Holy One. In the midst of the most recent horrible violence in the land of the Holy One, I offer this prayer:
Sunday Bulletin 10.15.23
Download the Sunday Bulletin and follow along with the service Live at 10am on Facebook.
A Note From Father Rob
Our parish bazaar has a long history at St. James. In the early days of our life together in Alexander City, faithful members of the parish sewed sock-monkeys and created other hand-made crafts to raise money for the construction fund.
From the Desk of Deacon Judy
Learn more about Francis of Assisi is one of the most beloved and well-known saints. Many have his statue in their gardens. Churches bless animals in remembrance of Francis.
Sunday Bulletin 10.08.23
Click here to download the Sunday Bulletin and follow along with our 10am service live on Facebook.
A Note From Father Rob
What’s the best part of summer turning to fall? Is it the colors of the foliage? Is it cooler weather? Football? No, it’s the return of Sunday school! That’s right, and this year we are offering two different opportunities for you to strengthen and deepen your relationship with God.
From The Desk Of Deacon Judy
We learn from the Book of Revelation that Archangel Michael and his angels fought the dragon of evil and threw him and his bad angels out of heaven forever. Archangel Michael is ever our protector and defender against all dangers and snares which may befall us.
A Note From Father Rob
Is God fair? That’s a good question. Perhaps ‘just’ might be a better word to use, or ‘forgiving,’ because God certainly is those things. But fair, I’m not sure.
Answering the Call – Saint Matthew
I love to reflect on Matthew, as we remember him each year on September 21. We know Michelangelo’s David, a beautiful, refined, huge, impressive sculpture.
From The Desk of Deacon Judy
September 17 is the day we honor Hildegard of Bingen, one of my absolute favorite medieval mystics. I call her a Renaissance woman before the Renaissance.
From The Desk of Deacon Judy
On September 11, we pause to remember those who died in the tragic attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93. We also remember the brave souls who rushed towards the horror – firefighters, police officers, passengers on the plane.
Sunday Bulletin 09.10.23
Click through and download the Sunday Bulletin for Sunday, September 10, 2023.
A Note From Father Rob
There is a change in the air, can you feel it. I see signs of it all around me; brown leaves here and there; slightly cooler nightly temperatures; children and grandchildren going back to live in their own home; college football starting this weekend and church service times returning to 8:00 and 10:00 am. the following week.